
Welcome to Dan's Daily Dig, a personal journey to dig into the Bible one chapter a day and grow spiritually. The goal is to read and reflect on each chapter using the following four questions:

1. What stood out to me from this chapter?
2. How does this relate to any other Scripture I know?
3. What does this mean for my life?
4. What questions do I have about this passage?

This blog is intended to provide both accountability for me to keep pressing on in this quest, and an invitation for any reader to join me any day or everyday. Simply read the selected chapter (it only takes about 5 minutes), and then respond using any or all of the four questions. It's supposed to be simple, but I hope to learn from others as well. I plan to share the blog as well on my twitter feed daily, so follow @DanBoji if you want to get the alert to the blog's posting. You can also subscribe by e-mail or another RSS feed on the right side of the screen. God's blessings.

In Christ,

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

#1Corinthians2 - A Mystery Revealed

Click here to read 1 Corinthians 2:

1. What stood out to me from this chapter?

After saying in chapter one that the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, Paul then goes on to explain that it is not foolish at all. Rather, the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus was actually what God had planned "before time began." It was simply a mystery to all, even though God spoke about it through the Scriptures and the prophets. It just didn't make sense from a human perspective, but from God's perspective it was the perfect and only plan to redeem mankind from a fallen state of sin. It's like reading a mystery and not really knowing for sure what's going on until the final clues are discovered and the mystery is revealed.

2. How does this relate to any other Scripture I know?

Paul also talks about the gospel being a mystery in Colossians 1:25-27, which says, "I have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness— the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the Lord’s people. To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory." He explains that the mystery is not only that Christ would die for our sins, but that he would rise from the dead, and through the power of the Holy Spirit dwell within us - his people. That is still bizarre, a mystery in it's own way, but the plan is now clear.

3. What does this mean for my life?

I really appreciate how Paul begins this chapter, humbly stating that it wasn't with any human wisdom that he came. He simply shared the wisdom of God through God's word, and the gospel of Jesus Christ. He didn't win people over with super speeches, but simply with the loving message of the gospel. I hope and pray that I would have that same humble approach to sharing the gospel, that God's wisdom would guide me and that I would not try to sound super spiritual on my own. Rather, I want to simply point people to Jesus and his love for us.

4. What questions do I have about this passage?

What did Paul mean when he said in verse 15, "The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments..."?

Those are my thoughts for this chapter. I'd love to hear yours. God's blessings to you and KEEP DIGGING IN!

In Christ,

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