1. What stood out to me from this chapter?
There are many brief teaching segments in this chapter, many of which compare and contrast truth and falsehood, wisdom and foolishness. But more than any specific teaching, what stood out to me was the last verses of the chapter. "When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law." It's unfortunate that their religious leaders and teachers didn't have authority in their teaching. But as we find out from Jesus, many of them were over-religious, self-righteous, and hard-hearted. They were likely teaching in a way that made themselves look good and made others look unclean and dirty. Jesus came along and taught in a way that didn't diminish the law, but called people into a relationship with the Father through him.
2. How does this passage relate to any other Scripture I know?
Many people know Jeremiah 29:11, and quote it often, "For I know the plans I have for you..." However I don't know how many people know the context or the surrounding verses which are equally powerful. What came to my mind is actually Jeremiah 29:13-14, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you..." Jesus echoes this theme of God's by saying, "seek and you shall find...". It's like a game of hide and seek where a dad is playing with his young child. He's not going to hide in some ridiculously hard spot. He is going to be found by his kid, as long as his kid is seeking. God wants to be found by us, but he also wants us to seek.
3. What does this mean for my life?
There was a point in my life where the part about not judging others really hit hard. A close friend pulled me aside and let me know that in the way that I carried myself it came across like I thought I was better than others. I didn't really think that, but I realized that the way I spoke and acted really did come across like somehow I had figured out how to live righteously. I'll admit it's something I still have to check myself on. The remedy is easy, though. Remembering that I too, am a sinner saved by the grace of God, and apart from his mercy and forgiveness I'd be swallowed up in sin and wrath.
4. What questions do I have about this passage?
We are back on track now with the blog, and should be going everyday from here on out. I'd love to hear any comments from readers.
In Christ,
image from http://www.warrencampdesign.com/photoEdit_composites8.html
There is so much in this chapter it is almost hard to know where to start! I think it is interesting that Jesus covers just a small portion of topics in these 3 chapters (5-7) of the Sermon on the Mount. He could have spoken for many days on many things and I kind of wish He would have!!! As I have read these passages before I wrote in my Bible the general themes it seems like Jesus was covering- verses 1-5 (judgment of others); verse 6 (sacredness), verses 7-11 (persistence), verse 12 (Golden rule), verses 13-14 (living life), verses 15-20 (discernment), verses 21-23 (deep obedience) and verses 24-27 (wisdom). The things that Jesus spoke to the people then are obvious things that we still need to hear today. I think it is amazing that Jesus knew people so well that He knew what topics would be totally timeless. Not that it means that Christians are perfect at all of these, but we have a point of reference when we do encounter situations!