
Welcome to Dan's Daily Dig, a personal journey to dig into the Bible one chapter a day and grow spiritually. The goal is to read and reflect on each chapter using the following four questions:

1. What stood out to me from this chapter?
2. How does this relate to any other Scripture I know?
3. What does this mean for my life?
4. What questions do I have about this passage?

This blog is intended to provide both accountability for me to keep pressing on in this quest, and an invitation for any reader to join me any day or everyday. Simply read the selected chapter (it only takes about 5 minutes), and then respond using any or all of the four questions. It's supposed to be simple, but I hope to learn from others as well. I plan to share the blog as well on my twitter feed daily, so follow @DanBoji if you want to get the alert to the blog's posting. You can also subscribe by e-mail or another RSS feed on the right side of the screen. God's blessings.

In Christ,

Sunday, May 17, 2015

#2Corinthians3 #2Corinthians4 - Work In Progress

Click here to read 2 Corinthians 3-4:

1. What stood out to me from this chapter?

Have you ever gone to an art show or gone inside a building or driven across a road that says "Work in Progress?" It means that even though you can still use it now, it is being transformed piece by piece or section by section or room by room into a much more beautiful or functional space. It's kind of like saying, "Go ahead and enjoy it now, but just wait till you see it when it's finished!" In this chapter, Paul tells us that "we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." When we let God's Spirit work in us and surrender control of our lives to God's designs and plans, it's like we have a big sign on us that says "Work in Progress." In the context of these two chapters, Paul is comparing things that are temporary with things that are eternal. So essentially, Paul is saying, "You think this life is cool? It is, and with God it gets cooler every day. But just wait until God's work is completely finished. Then we'll see instant transformation into something so glorious that nothing in this world can even compare."

2. How does this relate to any other Scripture I know?

We had a retreat here at camp called "Aliens," and we based it on Hebrews 11:13 which in some translations says that all these "heroes" of the faith considered themselves to be "aliens  and strangers on this earth." They realized that they were "just passing through." They knew this wasn't their home, and so while they took care of what they had they did not become attached to it. Rather they knew the things of this earth, even their bodies and their lives, were just temporary, but the things of God are eternal.

3. What does this mean for my life?

Chapter 4, verses 7-18 really spoke to me personally today. Paul talks about the difficulties he faces in this life and in ministry. Yet even in doing so he realizes that though he may be down, he's not out of the fight. He realizes that because of the ministry God has called him to, and because he has said yes to follow God's call, the gospel message of God's grace is reaching to more and more people all the time. So Paul's words at the end of the chapter ring true for me. "Therefore we do not lose heart..."

4. What questions do I have about this passage?

What is Paul talking about at the beginning of chapter 3? He talks about letters of recommendation. Were people asking for a letter of recommendation for Paul's credentials? What's that all about?

Those are my thoughts for this chapter. I'd love to hear yours. God's blessings to you and KEEP DIGGING IN!

In Christ,

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