
Welcome to Dan's Daily Dig, a personal journey to dig into the Bible one chapter a day and grow spiritually. The goal is to read and reflect on each chapter using the following four questions:

1. What stood out to me from this chapter?
2. How does this relate to any other Scripture I know?
3. What does this mean for my life?
4. What questions do I have about this passage?

This blog is intended to provide both accountability for me to keep pressing on in this quest, and an invitation for any reader to join me any day or everyday. Simply read the selected chapter (it only takes about 5 minutes), and then respond using any or all of the four questions. It's supposed to be simple, but I hope to learn from others as well. I plan to share the blog as well on my twitter feed daily, so follow @DanBoji if you want to get the alert to the blog's posting. You can also subscribe by e-mail or another RSS feed on the right side of the screen. God's blessings.

In Christ,

Monday, May 11, 2015

#1Corinthians14 - Order in the Pews!

Click here to read 1 Corinthians 14:

1. What stood out to me from this chapter?

After explaining about some different spiritual gifts, how we are all one in the body of Christ, and reminding us to do everything in love, Paul speaks specifically about using some of these gifts in worship. What stood out to me is that even though we might think of someone speaking supernaturally in tongues as being a more amazing gift than prophesying, Paul says that prophesying does more to bless those in earshot. He says that speaking in tongues is a miracle and a supernatural gift, so unbelievers may find it amazing and trust in God. But a prophetic word will reach the hearts of all who are listening, as the word from God comes in their own language. That seems backwards, but most of the things of God are like that. :) I also really love Paul's closing plea and lesson. He reminds people that our God brings order out of chaos. He wouldn't give people gifts that throw people into confusion and disorder. God desires order and patience. There's no need for everyone to shout all at once. It's as if Paul were saying, "Order in the Pews!"

2. How does this relate to any other Scripture I know?

In Acts chapter 2 the Holy Spirit comes on the disciples, and the sign is that they are all speaking in various tongues. Many who were visiting Jerusalem from other nations were amazed that someone was speaking in their own language. For the Jews who witnessed this, it was a sign that God was at work. However, when Peter stood up and spoke plainly and prophetically, the word of God reached deep into the hearts of many who heard, and 3,000 people became believers that day. Now that's church growth.

3. What does this mean for my life?

As a worship leader, I am so used to having everything planned out and orderly, but verse 30 convicted me a little that I should be open to the Holy Spirit moving during the worship service through anyone else. I know that the point was to bring order to worship, but it sounds like their services were pretty chaotic with everyone chiming in and speaking in tongues at once. I think maybe if Paul were visiting churches today, he would see that in many there is no room for the Holy Spirit to work. The service flows like clockwork, and everyone gets a little edgy if things start to drag a bit or if something has to go to Plan B. So, I really do want to be more open to the Holy Spirit in worship. EXPECT GOD TO SHOW UP!

4. What questions do I have about this passage?

I'm going to ask a question that I know separates some denominations from each other, but because this chapter is all about supernatural gifts, I'm going to ask it anyway. "Are all believers suppose to speak in tongues? Or is it just those that the spirit has gifted in that way? Do other supernatural gifts count? How about the other gifts mentioned in chapter 12 that don't "seem" supernatural? I know those are more like spaghetti than real questions, but that's kind of how I was thinking about it. :)

Those are my thoughts for this chapter. I'd love to hear yours. God's blessings to you and KEEP DIGGING IN!

In Christ,

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