
Welcome to Dan's Daily Dig, a personal journey to dig into the Bible one chapter a day and grow spiritually. The goal is to read and reflect on each chapter using the following four questions:

1. What stood out to me from this chapter?
2. How does this relate to any other Scripture I know?
3. What does this mean for my life?
4. What questions do I have about this passage?

This blog is intended to provide both accountability for me to keep pressing on in this quest, and an invitation for any reader to join me any day or everyday. Simply read the selected chapter (it only takes about 5 minutes), and then respond using any or all of the four questions. It's supposed to be simple, but I hope to learn from others as well. I plan to share the blog as well on my twitter feed daily, so follow @DanBoji if you want to get the alert to the blog's posting. You can also subscribe by e-mail or another RSS feed on the right side of the screen. God's blessings.

In Christ,

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Birth of a Blogger

Have you ever planned something out, thought through it a whole lot, decided to go for it, and then thought, "What on Earth was I thinking?" That's how I feel right now, but I don't think it's necessarily what I was thinking "on Earth" that pushed me to do this. I'll be frank. I've been very poor in my personal dedication to reading the Bible. I have read a lot in the past, and I realize that Bible reading time is not the only measure of one's relationship with God, but I really, REALLY want to learn more about God and what He desires and what He wants me to do with my life.

So here it is. This is what I have felt "led" or "prompted" to do. Dig into the Bible, a little at a time, and process it. Here's my plan:
  • Read one chapter of the Bible a day.
  • Reflect on the chapter or verse(s) from the chapter. I will use the following 4 questions to guide my reflections:
    1. What stuck out to you from this chapter? Something funny? Strange? Interesting? Profound?
    2. How does this chapter (or parts of it) relate to other Scripture you know? Does it link names? Places? Theology? 
    3. So what? (Not like "Who cares?", but like "So what does this mean for my life?") What behaviors do I need to correct? What truths do I need to believe? What people do I need to forgive? Etc.
    4. What questions do I have about this passage? (The questions may be answered or may be unanswerable.)
That's it. Simple. This blog will be both my accountability to God (and others) to follow through with this "prompting", and an invitation to you, the reader, to join me in my quest. Read one chapter a day. Reflect on it. Share your thoughts. 

If nothing else, subscribe to the blog and just read it. I'm planning to post these in the morning, so whoever wants to subscribe will have a daily scripture and thought to start their day with their eyes fixed on Jesus. Once I get this all figured out, I'll share the blog on Facebook and Twitter, so you can access them that way too. Please pray for me as I figure out this whole blogging bit (I am very open to suggestions from more experienced bloggers and readers). God's blessings to you and me as we seek him together. 

In Christ,


  1. Great work & a great idea! I hope I can keep up the pace....

  2. Can't wait to read it, Dan. Go for it!
