1. What stuck out to me from this chapter?
Overwhelmingly the main theme of these chapters is that we were saved by grace through faith in Christ, not BY good works but FOR good works. This is emphasized in several ways. Perhaps the most referenced part of this theme is the fruit of the Spirit (revealing that if the Spirit really is in us, this is what should naturally be flowing out). Paul also uses the imagery of sowing and reaping. If we sow from the Spirit we will reap godly things, and others will too. He also gives us some good old commands to keep doing good to all people, and not to give up. The single verse the jumped out to me regarding this was Galatians 5:6. "What counts is faith expressing itself through love."
2. How does this passage relate to any other Scripture I know?
Verses 16-18 of chapter 5 describe the inner conflict that consistently lives within a Christian. The desires both to follow God and do good as well as to please the sinful nature or flesh. This reminds me of Romans chapter 7 when Paul talks about how he doesn't do what he wants to do but what he doesn't want to is what he does anyway, because of sin living inside him. It also reminds me of when God gave Cain a warning in Genesis 4:7. He tells Cain that if we do not do what is right, sin is crouching at our door. It reminds me that we as Chrisitians can never let our guard down when it comes to integrity and doing the right thing. It's a constant battle, or as Paul puts it, a race.
3. So what does this mean for my life?
Since our oldest daughter has been old enough to understand some of the words of the fruit of the Spirit, we have used them as a guide for developing her character. Now that we have two daughters, we continue to use them and pray for those things in increasing measures for our children. But besides parenting, this has really affected me in how I reflect on my own life, my own actions, my own attitudes. "Was what I said loving or did it come across as uncaring?" "How can I be more patient in this situation?" "How can my words bring peace to this crazy environment or relationship or situation?" It's not earning righteousness through these things, but they are a good measuring stick of how we are living out the righteousness of Christ that is in us.
4. What questions do I have about this passage?
In chapter 6, verses 2 and 5 seem to say different things. Verse 2 says to carry each other's burdens, and verse 5 says that each one should carry their own load. What does this mean? Anyone have any insights or thoughts?
That's all. Tomorrow we start Ephesians.
In Christ,
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